Bots are one of the biggest features of the Telegram application, which has become one of the most widespread and popular messaging applications around the world, due to its preservation of users’ privacy and its high speed in receiving and sending messages, in addition to many features and characteristics that are continuously added to the application, making it a communication platform. An integrated social that is used by more than 200 million people per month and a strong competitor to many of the existing applications.
As we mentioned, bots are the reason why many people use it, so what do we mean by this term? The bot in general is a term given to pre-programmed robots and mechanisms to carry out special tasks. In normal, we may be able to do these tasks ourselves, but the importance of the bot comes in that it saves a lot of time and effort, like any robot in our lives as human beings.
The matter is not much different for Telegram application bots, as they are also pre-equipped software, allowing the user to deal with them with certain words, so the bot executes the line of code related to that word.
A bot can be defined as a program written in a specific programming language that performs tasks automatically, as it performs simple and repetitive actions on our behalf and facilitates many things for us according to its use.
What does a Telegram bot do, and how are our picks for the best Telegram bots?
The bot brings several tasks and features to one application, which makes you do not need to exit the application to perform a specific purpose. The bot provides us with many features, including music, getting the latest news around the world and uploading videos through bots that broadcast the required content to users, but rather This includes extracting texts, shortening links, and scanning files.
The best bots in Telegram that save us time:
Most users of Telegram do not know anything about its advantages or the services it provides, and for this we have found the importance of writing this article in which we will review the best bots in Telegram that have made us the most, and saved us time and effort, and even provided us with services that we may not be able to Implemented in other ways!
File converter
The name has already indicated what the bot is and its currency. It allows users to easily convert audio and video from one format to another.
It supports audio, image, video and document files. We can convert an image from WebP format to PNG or vice versa, which makes it useful for many of us.
File to Bot
This bot allows storing files in the cloud with unlimited storage space from Telegram, where we can send files in chat and store them by category in addition to being multilingual, so the first thing it asks us when starting is to choose the language that you want to display.
A bot (@filetobot) also allows us to easily check downloaded files; There are security restrictions for personal use when you share a file with others.
YouTube Download
Who among us does not like to download our favorite videos from the YouTube platform, whether to keep them or share them as a story in our accounts on social media platforms, there is no need to go to sites that are full of ads or download suspicious applications, as this bot allows you to easily download any video from YouTube , just send a link to upload the clip to you, with the possibility of transcribing the audio as well.
This bot allows you to create a temporary email that can be discarded at any time, which is useful in case you want to create an account in any platform that asks to add an email and do not want to enter your primary mail for any reason, you can create a temporary email for anonymous, untrusted registrations using this bot.
Feed Reader Bot
It offers users to subscribe to RSS feeds for any website or blog, and after subscribing it will tell you directly about the latest posts on those sites. The bot currently supports YouTube, Instagram and Twitter platforms.
The “Feed Reader Bot” is one of the most advanced telegram bots that allows you to connect to your accounts on social media platforms, in addition to many other features, some of which are free and others require a monthly subscription of 3 euros.
This bot may be the most surprising for you, as it allows full games that you can play with your friends, as when you start activating the bot it asks you to choose the account you want to play with to be transferred to its conversation and from there it gives you a list of games that you can play with your friend.
This bot allows you to create a poll with as many choices as you want, and after completion it creates a link that allows you to share the poll with all your friends.