We often suffer from slow computer speed and performance despite its good specifications. In this article, we will try to solve some of these problems through Windows maintenance procedures. We will not talk about ways to speed up the computer, as this is a long story, but rather about trying to relieve the operating system – if you will – from the burdens of programs and files accumulated over time. So that we give even beginners the opportunity to understand what happens to their devices after a period of use and the possibility of fixing problems or correcting them before they occur.
We will also talk about ways to hide, store and save important data from loss, and we do not mean here data encryption. Encryption has a long story, too, and alone will not protect data from tampering.
Windows maintenance
Before going into details, we are not responsible for any problem or malfunction that may affect your computer as a result of implementing any part of the tips in this article. This is the case with dry advice. Microsoft always advises you to update all programs and upgrade to the latest versions of the operating system without caring about the specifications of your computer. , so as to disclaim responsibility for lack of advice!
Here are the most important steps for computer maintenance:
Uninstall unnecessary programs
When installing a new Windows system (Windows 8 or Windows 10 or whatever), the consumption of RAM memory (which is the memory that affects the speed of the computer) is at a minimum, let’s say, for example, 30%. That is, you are left with 70% of the memory to use and open programs and games…etc.
However, after a period of time you will install some programs. Which will increase the consumption of RAM memory even without running those programs! Because it may keep some of its services running in the background.
You will find that the memory consumption when you start the computer has become 50%, for example. Only 50% of your memory to work and play games, for example, will remain.
Perhaps, with time, you will only have 30% or less! This is where the need for Windows maintenance appears.
Some may resort to formatting and installing a new system, but you may be able to solve this problem in simpler ways. Where you can uninstall unnecessary programs from the Control Panel.
To enter the control panel
Press the Windows key and the letter R to open the run window. Type control and press Enter. control-panel-open
The Control Panel will open, click on Uninstall a program
The list of programs will open. Right click on the program you want to uninstall, then choose Uninstall and follow the instructions. Uninstall a program
Defragment the hard disk:
To understand fragmentation, you have to imagine a hard drive as a house made up of a group of rooms. If you store 3 files in the first 3 rooms, then you decide to delete the file in the second room. Then I had to store a large file that exceeds the space of the second room, here the operating system stores part of the file in the second room and stores the rest of the parts in the rooms after the third room. The so-called fragmentation occurs, meaning that the new file occupies two spatially separate spaces on the hard disk, and when reading the file, the hard disk will take a longer time to read due to the movement of the reading needle, the two divergent parts.
Here, defragmentation tools play an important role in maintaining Windows and speeding up computer performance by rearranging fragmented file parts so that each file occupies a connected part on the hard disk.
Try not to use the computer during the defragmentation process, because using it may cause some programs to store new files, which will confuse the defragmentation program.
You can stop the defragmentation process at any time you like or pause it.
SSD disks do not need defragmentation because they differ in principle from HDD hard disks, and fragmented files are not affected by them, as you can access them very quickly, and despite this, Windows defragments them to prevent a failure to write files when Reaching the upper limit of fragmented files.
To defragment after entering the control panel:
Click on System and Security. Control Panel – System and Security
After that choose Defragment your hard drive. Defragment
A defragmentation window will open. Choose disk C (or the disk containing the operating system, which is the most important) or any other disk. Then click Defragment Disk. Defragment
Delete temporary files
temporary files
Deleting temporary files speeds up the computer. This is what Microsoft advises. You may not notice a difference in speed if the periods are short between deleting those files, but if you have not done this process for six months or more, you will notice the difference, and it depends in the end on the nature of Your work and its intensity that leads to an increase in the number of those files.
But where do temporary files come from?
Temporary files have many sources, including what arises when a program is installed on the computer, especially if the installation files are located on an external source, such as a CD, or a flash memory. Windows then copies the installation files to the Temporary Files folder, and they stay there until you delete them or through regular Windows maintenance.
Also, deleting these files frees up a very large amount of space on the hard disk. I recommend deleting those files first and then defragmenting the disk and not the other way around.
To delete temporary files on Windows 7/8/10, do the following:
Press the Windows key and the letter R to open the run window
Type %temp% and press Enter.
Press Ctrl + A to select all files and folders
Press Shift + Delete to permanently delete all files.
Click OK to confirm the deletion.